Thursday, July 14, 2005

How I am holding on thus far?

I AM STILL ALIVE!! On a serious note, for those of you who are interested, I am doing fine. I am currently based in Badhan, Sanaag region. It is really nice here. A small town but nice. It is soo nice here (in terms of weather conditions). I could actually breathe here. My brain is able to function better because it is not being attacked by the HEAT (BOSOSO is really hell, if you want to have a little idea of what hell looks like, go to BOSOSO).

On the other hand, I am getting a little tired of getting water from the barakat. Our house doesn’t have running water but it is fine. I am getting used to it and I like the experience of getting my own water. The people here are nice. They are welcoming and they know how to mind their business.

The food here is a bit problematic because you can’t find everything you need. As some of you are aware, all of northern Somali is basically a desert. Most of the fruits and vegetables come from either Ethiopia (for Somaliland) or Southern Somalia (for Puntland). There are some people who farm here (although most people are either nomads or city folks), but it is more expensive and hard to find good quality and quantity. This doesn’t mean that nothing is grown here but it is just that the weather and soil conditions are making it impossible. You could actually pant a lot variety of vegetable and fruits if you had good irrigation system, which Somalia doesn’t (this will requires a lot of money and government advocacy)

Other then that, things are A-OK. To clarify few things, there are no mosquitoes in the place I am at, no I am not sick nor did I catch some disease, yes there are flies buzzing around, no I am not MARRIED, yes there are snakes and lizards around, no I don’t own an AK-47, and yes I am enjoying my self. Somalia is not as bad as some of you seem to indicate.

1 comment:

Mohamedgacal, The one and the only! said...

Very interesting adventure indeed. I love the last part where you are clarifying things. Very funny indeed.


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