The wiring system here is Horrible. Telephone companies are in fierce competition to have the most customers. Instead of working out some sort of plan or compromise, each company installs its own wires thus creating chaos in the streets. Did you know that if you are with one Telephone Company, you can not call the other. Most of the people I work with have Golis (popular company in Bosaso) and I have STG (Somali Telecom Group, very new to Bosaso but popular in other regions). This causes major inconvenience to all of us because I can't call them and they can not call me. I asked one guys who works in STG why this is happening and he told me that there is lack of trust between companies and because there is not strong government that could enforce things, they are able to get away with it and do what is in their best interest. This is great from a business point of view but stinks for the rest of us...time for someone to start a consumer protection agency.
1 comment:
It could be in their best interest to do so. The first telephone company that can provide communication to their competator's phones are going to attract everyone's business.
I mean, if you were considering getting a phone, would you go with the company that allowed you to call everyone or the company that limited who you could call?
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