This picture was taken in an inhibited area near LasQoray, Sanaag. Somali has really beautiful beaches. I think that who ever comes here with a little money and opens some sort of tourist resort by the beach would make a lot of $$$$. The water in this beach is very salty and very clean (Bososo beaches are not that clean; people throw their garbage there).
I know:) I wish I could go too. Have fun /Aminoz
i could be swimming there and enjoying a nice break with my family in MY COUNTRY!!, instead am here in london freezin my a** off in a foriegn country, am jus happy to see a pic like that. maashallah
nice pic walaalo
Hi. The picture is so dope. I agree with Ahmed and thats what im always feeling. Im so dissapointed in my country and i want to help it. Soon i am opening up a blog, so that people can be educated in Canada were i was borm. Thankyou for making this blog because now i am more encouraged by you. the blog that i have so far is fake and i just wanted to try out something. When i set up my real blog, i hope i'll be making money off of it because i want to build a water well in Somalia. I'll tell you soon (maybe in July) when my blog is up. Once again Thanks soo much. By the way my name is zakaria Shire currently living in Kenya. But i was born and raised in Toronto an dedmonton. I am 16 years old. Thankyou soo much and peace out.
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